Your next freelance gig
is a few clicks away

Pzerro helps 160+ developers make money on their own time

We know you're tired of traditional gig marketplaces

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"I haven't been able to land a single Upwork gig in 3 mos. Like F*** that site. Between sketchy freelancers and poor oversight, we're more or less given up on the platform."

Find leads before they hit the market

Define an ideal customer profile and Pzerro will start prospecting for local businesses that could use your web development services.

  • - Be the first touchpoint for freelance leads
  • - Free up time previously spent on manual prospecting
  • - Save $100s typically spent high commissions
  • - Get exclusive details on website issues to have the upperhand

Easily see when and where clients are looking for developers

Pzerro tracks several sources like Reddit and for freelancer requests and displays them in a feed for you to monitor

  • - Access a list of freelancer request leads that is regularly updated
  • - Sources your already wasting time inspecting like Reddit, Twitter,, etc.
  • - All freelance leads are only related to web and app development.
  • - No more wasted time. No more $50 subscriptions just for monitoring social platforms

Tired of competing for the same jobs with the same tools everyone else has?

Pzerro locates businesses who have poorly optimized or outdated sites and tells you everything about them.

Make extra cash solving GitHub Issues

Small startups, solo developers, and open source projects will pay you to help out.

  • - Think of Doordash, but for programming tasks
  • - Small teams utilize Pzerro, because they need help but can't afford a FT hire
  • - It's simple. Complete a bounty first, and get paid the reward
  • - Get paid in your free time doing what you do best

Fair pricing for freelancers

Pzerro Subscription

Explode your business today

  • 50 lead credits per month
  • Access to Opportunities
  • Post and Claim Bounties
  • Allows credit rollover (Up to 1 months worth)